Monday, July 10, 2006


Squidoo, what is Squidoo??? exactly what I was thinking when I ran across it in the Pinko marketing Blog. What is the Pinko Marketing Blog? it's a Blog I stumbled into while reading 10 resons why the internet is good on horsepig cow.

Think about it horepigcow to Pinko Marketing to Squidoo on The Whispering Crane Institute. It must be the internet.

Back to the original question. What is Squidoo it is a on-line community with folks talking about what is near and dear to them in something they call a Lens. A single page on a specific topic, this is what Squidoo has to say . . .
"We have built a new online platform and community that makes it easy for anyone to build a single page--called a lens--on a topic, idea, product or cause he is passionate about. These lenses in turn help finders get unique, human perspectives instead of computer-selected and often irrelevant search results. Not only can Lensmasters spread their ideas, get recognized for their knowledge, and send more traffic to their Web sites and blogs—they could also earn royalties.

Squidoo's goal as a platform is to bring the power of recommendation to search. Squidoo's goal as a co-op is to pay as much money as we can to our lensmasters and to charity. And Squidoo's goal as a community is to have fun along the way, and meet new ideas and the people behind them."

Why am I using Squidoo? It looks like a good place to sit down some very specific information on very specific topics, and it looks like another great way to promote this blog-which needs all the promoting it can get. My Blog will continue to be the number one source for information.

A postscript-if you want to sign up for Squidoo, please use this reference link:

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