Tuesday, January 24, 2006

random time ...

Spending time at a local trade show and 'short course" event. Coming away from here grateful to have seen old friends and had a chance to look at what's new and exciting. This is always great to be involved in. To feel the energy and the anticipation of the new year.

On the other hand I was somewhat disappointed by the offerings for designers at the short course. I am always puzzled by the lack of time that is devoted to designers. There is so much emphasis placed on other areas in the landscape industry-but it is the responsibility of designers to make it happen. We set the tone, we listen to the needs of the homeowner, the requirements of the site and implement the evolution of "great space".

The designer is responsible to find ways to put all this new material to use and create exciting vibrant spaces for the homeowner to enjoy, live and experience. We need to get better, all designers. We all need to be challenged, stretched and motivated to go to a higher level with our work. To truly create great space. When an event like the one I am attending does not do any of these things it's just a little tough to take. I just wish there was more emphasis placed on what we do. From beginner to experienced the challenges are many. Posted by Picasa

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