Thursday, April 28, 2005

My website is up!!!

Well I finally joined the rest of the enlightened world and put up a website. When I'm done I'll have work examples, drawings, and a sort-of calendar that lets everyone know where I am and some of the other great stuff going on in the green industry.

Friday, April 22, 2005

Pond, waterfall, and Petasites hybrida

This is a look at a 3 year old pond that I shot last summer. I maintained this pond the 1st two years enabling the pond to get off to a good start. My goal is to strive for a naturalistic look and feel to my work where it is hard to figure out where the pond stops and the land begins.
I believe the number one problem with most professionally built ponds is-a lack of "naturalism/realism"; the edges are too hard, the rocks are piled too high or too deep around the edges. A lot of pond-builders have a poor understanding of how plant material works; not only in the water but surrounding the water as well.
I look for opportunities to bring the plant material right down and into the water to create a lush and inviting scene whenever possible. The more varied and larger amount of plant material in the pond also helps the pond become more successful ecologically.
btw, this is in Ohio, near Canton which is zone 5. My thanks to Lake Cable Nursery. Posted by Hello

Bishop res. color rendering

This is a new Elevation Rendering just completed for a local project. The only big change is to remove the arbor that is part of the Parking Court. This type of rendering is now typical for me on larger scale residential projects where there is more going on than just typical foundation planting around the house. I will follow this up with other drawings. Posted by Hello

The Stone Foundation

I have been asked to speak during this year's Stone Foundation conference in Belmont, Ohio the first week of October. To learn more about TSF and the conference go here. This will be held in conjuction with the International Trades Education Initiative and the International Preservation Trades Workshop. This will be a huge event with skilled craftsmen showing up in little Belmont, Ohio from all over the world.
The focus of my talk will be to the "stone gurus" about how to put together stone and water. I am really looking forward to this-it should be a great time and very informative. I will have more on this in the next few weeks as the information comes in.

Association of Professional Landscape Designers

This is an organization that I am a founding member of, and I believe that anyone who wants to be a better Landscape Designer should become a member of. Join APLD here's their site and then take advantage, mainly by going to the conferences and soaking up the time spent with others who share the passion. Salt Lake City is where this year's conference will be held. Expect informative speakers, great touring, and excellent networking opportunities.